Comparto con ustedes mis fotos macro de la naturaleza y textos que hablan algo del mismo tema.

domingo, 31 de julio de 2011

A un Olmo seco

Al olmo viejo, hendido por el rayo
y en su mitad podrido,
con las lluvias de abril y el sol de mayo,
algunas hojas verdes le han salido.

¡El olmo centenario en la colina
que lame el Duero! Un musgo amarillento
le mancha la cortina blanquecina
al tronco carcomido y polvoriento.

No será, cual los álamos cantores
que guardan el camino y la ribera
habitado de pardos ruiseñores.

Ejército de hormigas en hilera
va trepando por él y en sus entrañas
urden sus telas grises las arañas.

Antes que te derribe, olmo del Duero,
con su hacha el leñador, y el carpintero
te convierta en melena de campana,
lanza de carro o yugo de carreta;
antes que rojo en el hogar, mañana,
ardas de alguna mísera caseta
al borde de un camino;
antes que te descuaje un torbellino
y tronche el soplo de las tierras blancas;
antes que el río hasta la mar te empuje
por valles y barrancas,
olmo, quiero anotar en mi cartera
la gracia de tu rama verdecida.

Mi corazón espera
también, hacia la luz y hacia la vida,
otro milagro de primavera.

Antonio Machado

domingo, 17 de julio de 2011

In the Garden

The fields are always wet with rain
After a summer shower
When I saw you standin'
Standin' in the garden
In the garden

Wet with rain

You wiped the teardrops from your eye in sorrow
And we watched the petals fall down to the ground
And as I sat beside you I felt the
Great sadness that day

In the garden

And then one day you came back home
You were a creature all in rapture
You had the key to your soul
And you did open
That day you came back

To the garden

The olden summer breeze was blowin' gainst your face


The light of God was shinin' on your countenance divine
And you were a violet colour as you
Sat beside your father and your mother

In the garden

The summer breeze was blowin' on your face
Within your violet you treasure your summery words
And as the shiver from my neck down to my spine
Ignited me in daylight and nature in the garden

And you went into a trance
Your childlike vision became so fine
And we heard the bells within the church
We loved so much
And felt the presence of the youth of eternal summers
In the garden


And as it touched your cheeks so lightly
Born again you were and blushed
And we touched each other lightly
And we felt the presence of the Christ within our hearts

In the garden

And I turned to you and I said

No guru, no method, no teacher
Just you and I and nature
And the Father in the garden


No guru, no method, no teacher
Just you and I and nature
And the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost
In the garden

Wet with rain

No Guru, no method, no teacher
Just you and I and nature and the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost
In that garden, in the garden, wet with rain

Yeah, alright

No Guru, no method, no teacher
Just you and I and nature and the Father in the garden

Van Morrison

domingo, 10 de julio de 2011

De árbol a árbol

Los árboles
¿serán acaso solidarios?

¿digamos el castaño de los campos elíseos
con el quebrancho de entre ríos
o los olivos de jaén
con los sauces de tacuarembó?

¿le avisará la encina de westfalia
al flaco alerce de tirol
que administre mejor su trementina?

y el caucho de pará
o el baobab en las márgenes del cuanza
¿provocarán al fin la verde angustia
de aquel ciprés de la mission dolores
que cabeceaba en frisco

¿se sentirá el ombú en su pampa de rocío
casi un hermano de la ceiba antillana?

los de este parque o aquella floresta
¿se dirán de copa a copa que el muérdago
otrora tan sagrado entre los galos
ahora es apenas un parásito
con chupadores corticales?

¿sabrán los cedros del líbano
y los caobos de corinto
que sus voraces enemigos
no son la palma de camagüey
ni el eucalipto de tasmania
sino el hacha tenaz del leñador
la sierra de las grandes madereras
el rayo como látigo en la noche?

Mario Benedetti

domingo, 3 de julio de 2011

Flower in the Sun

Oh please don't you think baby that I am wrong to cry, yeah.
You loved me, too,
So how come you just sit there and laugh
And laugh and laugh and laugh ?
Things just can't be this way
And not for very long
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no.
Our love affair said it's just history, yes it is.

And I tried to love you in my own way,
I think that you know I did.
But to have you here, to see you living,
Oh so near to me, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh but you are distant and so it's dead
And so often people are glad to be old, yeah yeah,
Our love affair is just history, yes it is.

Once in a green time a flower
Oh, fell in love with the sun.
The passion lasted for an hour
And then she wilted from her loved one.

Once in a green time a flower
Oh, fell in love with the sun.
The passion lasted for an hour
And then she wilted from her loved one.

And I see you looking up at the sky, how high it is, yeah.
You wonder if there is, whoa another me
Now how can that be, how can it be ?
Well, I sit here and I ask you, why all this ?
I just got toni-ni-ni-night
Our love affair said it's just a history
But baby, baby, I said it's over, Charlie,
I can't stand another lo-lo-lonely,
I'm never too lonely.

It's over baby,
Where were you when I wanted ya
And needed ya right by my side ?
I said-a, baby, baby, don't you feel me moving,
Baby, don't you hear me cry ?
I know I hurt you, but Lord don't you know I cried,
I know I hurt you, but babe don't you know I tried,
Oh baby, oh babe, whoa.

Janis Joplin